Programs we are using throughout the school.
Numicon: a hands on resources to develop number sense. Uses from K-2 and on occasions from years 3-6
Numero: A mental math card game
Jemms Program: a direct instruction mental math program used in the school from years 3-6
Blake poster: Posters of the mental math strategies we use throughout the school.
SIREN: an intervention program we use from PP- year 2
Multplicative Thinking: A way to think about numbers multiplicatively
Westwood testing: a 1 minute mental math test that is taken twice per year years 1-6
PAT testing: a normed math test taken twice a year year 1-6
Kahn Academy: used by teachers to explain and extend math concepts
Some Maths apps you might consider for an iPad:
HIT the button
A quick recall game for number bonds, doubles, times tables etc. The students have to beat their own score.
Math Bingo
Quick recall of + – x and division facts
Thinking Blocks
A game to support students in solving math word problems
Lobster Diver
Games for Primary School Students year 3+
Number Lines
Students use a number line to solve equations.
Prodigy Math
A variety of math games for primary school aged children
10 frame fill/ Friends of 10
Students use a ten frame to solve simple equations
Pizza Fractions
Games that support students in their fraction understanding
Little Monkey Apps
A variety of apps that align with the Australian Curriculum
Targeting Math
A variety of Apps aimed at a specific year level