Junior Primary Science…. Where wisdom begins with wonder….

Curiosity is the fuel for discovery, inquiry and learning.  Here in the Harmony Primary Science Lab, the students in years 1 and 2 are encouraged to ask questions and undertake investigations to grow their knowledge and love of science.  Our early learners are naturally inquisitive and it’s our focus at Harmony Primary School, to promote and grow this curiosity. By engaging our students in rich hands-on and engaging learning, Science develops a great understanding of the world around us and fosters the very skill to learn in an ever-changing world.

Using the West Australian Curriculum as a framework, the science curriculum and content includes the three strands of Science UnderstandingScience as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry Skills. The three strands of the curriculum are interrelated and their content is taught in an integrated way. The detail in which the content descriptions are addressed and organised into teaching and learning programs is supported by Primary Connections unit materials.

With the pizazz of a passionate Junior Science Specialist teacher, the children are encouraged to:

  • be inquisitive
    • discover
      • wonder
        • explore ideas
          • make mess
            • foster perseverance to try and try again
              • to make mistakes and learn from them
                • to reason and make connections to the world around them
                  • to apply knowledge and relate it to real life examples
                  • to have fun whilst learning in a hands-on way


“The important thing is to not stop questing; curiosity has its own reason for existing.” – Albert Einstein