Dear Parents/Guardians,

 The excitement is building for our Colour Fun Run this Friday – it’s sure to be a great way to end the school term!  We would love to see our students from Kindy Blue and Purple come along and join in the fun with their parent/guardian (as it is not their Kindy day they must be under parent supervision), together with any other parents/guardians who would like to join in the fun!

 Students are to arrive at school in their school uniform with their fun run clothes in their bags (old clothes and bucket hat – they will change prior to the event). To get the full effect of the colour a white shirt would be great and we’re told that BigW has them for $2.50.  Students in Years 4 – 6 please do not bring Macbooks to school on Friday. Teachers will give out the fun run packs (glasses and orange wrist band to redeem icy-pole) in the morning.

 The fun will kick off with lunch at 1pm with the whole school enjoying lunch together on the hill and grassed area and between the playgrounds.  For supervision purposes, while students are welcome to eat their lunch with their parents they must not leave this area as they will need to return to their class prior to the fun run commencing. Sausage sizzles will be in baskets to be handed to classes as they arrive at the eating area. The canteen will be closed.

 The Colour Run will commence at 1.45pm on the oval and conclude at 2.30pm. Prizes will be handed out at 2.30pm.

 Students will return to their classes with their teachers at 2.50pm for a roll call prior to being dismissed. Parents are not permitted to take their child home directly from the oval.

 There will be a number of obstacles set up around the oval to make the laps a little more challenging for those that want a challenge, while others may decide to skip the obstacles.  Similarly the water and coloured powder (cornflour and food colouring) will be at a station ensuring that those students that don’t want to get wet or coloured, together with students wearing a green band (indicating their parent/guardian’s preference for them to not be squirted can run past the station).  To ensure everyone has fun the students from K – Year 2 will have a smaller obstacle course in the middle of the oval with a larger course around the perimeter of the oval for Years 3 – 6.

 Please remember to return Sponsorship forms and money by Thursday 20th September at 3pm sharp as prizes are being handed out on Friday.

 We look forward to everyone enjoying a fun afternoon!

 The P&C Fundraising Committee