In consultation with the Health and Well-being committee, Executive leadership group and school Board we have decided to trial a change to recess and lunchtimes beginning week 1 of term 4.

We observed that:

*As it stands, recess is relatively short and we have many students who rush the eating process or leave their food because they prioritise going out to play.

*As recess is not until 11:00am other children eat their lunch, or part of it, at this time because they are very hungry. This is even though they have had fruit and or vegetables in the class during the morning teaching session.

We know that:

*Wholesome food eaten at 11:00 will benefit the capacity of students to use this as fuel for their body and improve learning. Research certainly indicates that food eaten at breakfast and late morning is beneficial to students in fuelling their body to create the energy they need for learning.

As a result of these observations we intend to trial the following recess and lunch time arrangements in term 4.


Lunch eating (11.00 – 11.10) Students who want extra time to eat will continue to have the option to do so after the 11.10 siren goes.
Lunch play (11. 10 – 11.40)

Afternoon recess (1.40- 2.00) This would become more of a snack break to tide students over until they get home, with the option to play for the whole recess time if desired.

We will then seek feedback from students, parents and staff members as to whether the new arrangement is beneficial for students before making a decision regarding arrangements for 2019.

Parents will not need to make any adjustments to the food they send to school. There would only need to be a discussion with your child as to which foods to eat when. Staff will also educate students on the change.

The canteen wish to advise parents that online orders will need to be completed by 8.30am in order to give them time to prepare the food ready for the earlier eating time.