At Harmony we are continually reviewing our processes to ensure effective use of our resources. As a result, we have recently focused on improving our communication processes to parents, in relation to excursions and incursions. Parents are given six weeks’ notice of an impending excursion or incursion. During this time payments and consent forms need to be returned to the Administration Office.  However, office staff are continually inundated by parent/s and student/s returning consents and payments after the due date despite having been sent several reminders.  This leads to a great deal of stress for the office staff who, during their busiest time of the day are required to process payments and consents only moments prior to bus departures.  Paying on the day is also problematic as venues often need to be advised of numbers prior to the event to ensure adequate supervision.  Please remember if paying by direct deposit payment can take up to 48 hours to appear in our bank account.

To stream line this process and clarify the communication from the school to parents and the responsibilities of the parent, the following procedures, which have been endorsed by the School Board, will be put in place. Once these steps have been implemented, any consent forms and/or money returned after the due date will not be accepted. We are aware that this may cause some angst for children that do not get to attend a planned incursion or excursion with their fellow class mates, but we can’t continue to maintain the level of resources required to manage the processes associated with excursions and incursions follow up.

Communication Steps

  • 1st paper copy sent out via class to students
  • A follow up email to parents at the same time
  • Facebook notification – first day that the flyer is sent
  • Reminder blanket email to all parents – 2 weeks before due date
  • 2nd paper copy via class to individual named students (based on those who still have not paid) and direct email to parent – up to a week before payments close.
  • A text message to remind parents that haven’t paid, sent on the due date.